Jack LaLanne is now at the big gym in the sky. At 5'6", 150 pounds, sporting a 30" waist and bulging biceps, Jack was known as the Godfather of Fitness. He was fit long before being fit was cool. In 1936 he opened the nation's first health club and he designed many of the pieces of strength training equipment still used today. He believed in exercising every day and eating healthy at every meal. In fact, in 1929, he gave up eating dessert.
Jane Fonda graced the cover of USA Weekend and at 73 years old, she looks great. She says, "Nothing is more important as you age than staying physically active." At 5'8" and 121 pounds, she credits a super-healthy diet, plenty of exercise including strength training, eight to nine hours of sleep, sex and dancing for staying in shape. All good stuff! She eats "zero trans fats, zero partially hydrogenated oils, and no desserts, period."
I thought it was odd when I read that Jane Fonda had given up desserts. Then the next day, I read the same thing again regarding Jack LaLanne giving up desserts. Think about that. Imagine what it would be like to give up eating dessert forever. I'm not sure I could make that commitment and that seems discouraging. I aspire to live the healthiest life possible, but to eliminate all dessert seems to take some joy out of life. I've noticed that as I age, I'm forced to give up more and more things, but giving up dessert is crossing the line.
Does it sound like I'm a dessert junkie? Well, I'm really not. I gave up eating dessert when I was preparing for a fitness competition without any trouble. I guess I believe that everything is okay in moderation. Eating a dessert once a week is not unhealthy. On the other hand, eating large heavy desserts every day isn't good for your health. Eating one cookie isn't a problem. Eating the whole bag is a problem. It's all about balance.
Don't give up because you're not perfect. Don't throw your hands in the air and say, "Why bother?" You can still get in great shape and live a balanced life. Don't get discouraged by thinking that you must eat absolutely perfectly at every meal or you can't achieve health. I'm a living example of someone in great shape who still enjoys an occasional Snickers bar. And you can bet if I'm on a cruise ship, I'll be checking out the cheese cake and the ice cream bar.
That's not an excuse to go crazy with desserts. Remember, everything in moderation.
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