Friday, December 31, 2010

Making a New Years Resolution to Get in Shape? Read This First!

If you’re thinking about making a New Year’s Resolution
to lose weight again this year,

Don’t do it!

Since about 90% of the people who make this resolution fail miserably, you have a better chance of losing weight if you DON’T make a resolution to do so.  How ironic is that?

Year after year folks make the same resolutions, and year after year, most resolutions fall by the wayside by the end of January.  Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  I believe that strongly applies in this case.

If you are really finally ready to lose weight once and for all, you can’t just keep making a resolution to do it.  It’s time to try something different if you want a successful outcome. All the experts say that in order to achieve your weight loss goals, you must live a healthy lifestyle.

In my own personal experiences with clients over the years, the ones who make the most progress are the ones who have had tremendous changes in their attitudes.  They’ve gone from an “I can’t” attitude to a “You bet I can” attitude.  They’ve taken control of the situation and have traded in their old ways for a healthy lifestyle.

It didn’t happen overnight.  They had to start with baby steps, but they quickly realized that this lifestyle felt so much better than the old one.  This inspired them to make more healthy changes, and again they felt so much better that they continued making positive changes.  And so it goes.

They stopped making excuses for their bad behavior and they began to think and act like people who are in good physical shape.  Getting in shape is a continuous learning process, not an end, in and of itself.  You can’t just go through the motions of exercise, and expect serious results because there’s more to it than that.

Too many people make resolutions to get in shape without thinking about what that declaration really means. Think about the unyielding personal commitment necessary to take that resolution and make it your reality. Realize that you need to be accountable for your behavior.

Stop going on diets and just starting eating healthy foods every day.  Stop believing the hype of every fad diet or wonder pill that comes along.  Billions of dollars are wasted every year on diets and diet pills. They don’t work.  There’s no quick fix.

Accept that it will be hard work and you will experience set backs along the way.  If you need help, get a fitness professional on your side.  In order to start adopting the lifestyle of a fit person, you must surround yourself with health-minded people.  That support system is crucial for your success.  

Consider whether you have the inner drive, the sheer fortitude to stay the course and see it through to the end. If you believe that you have what it takes, then seize the energy and magic of the New Year.  Make that resolution, affirm it as your reality and never let go.

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